Interview with A Yawn Worth Yelling

As a Jane-of-all-trades, another side project we have is with OneAvenue.TV as Editors. 

We first heard of this band on LIVE 105's Soundcheck show and a few weeks ago we had the opportunity to do our first joint interview with local San Jose band, A Yawn Worth Yelling, before their show at Slim's. Check out a snippet of the interview below with Brayden (vocals, guitar and ukulele), Taylor (drums), and Tyler (guitar and vocals)!

K: Since you guys are from San Jose, La Vic’s or Iguanas Mexican Food?
Everyone: La Vic’s!

K: Do you guys have the orange sauce to-go then?
Everyone: YES!
Taylor: We bring it back to LA. We don’t leave the La Vic’s family.
Tyler: We’re loyal - like a lion! Very prideful.

A: What can we expect from you guys in 2017? Are you guys going to release a new EP and go on tour?
Brayden: Expect a couple movie placements from us in the near future! OneAvenue gets the exclusive. We haven’t told anybody! We’re gonna have an EP hopefully recorded and released this year.
Taylor: Hold us to that. We need to say it.
Tyler: There’s no date. A lot of it’s written but none of it’s recorded yet.
Taylor: Probably late 2017.

Catch the rest of the interview on OneAvenue.TV! 


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